We bring REALTORS® together to move communities forward.

Edmonton Area REALTORS® created the REALTORS® Community Foundation in 1986 as a way to bring together fellow agents in giving back, with the hopes of making a bigger impact together. Over thirty years later, we continue this legacy and aim to increase our impact each year.

REALTORS® truly do live, work and play in every area of our city and its surrounding areas. The Foundation intentionally funds local charities that work in these very communities - making a measurable difference right in our neighbourhoods. Specifically, we support charities located in and impacting the greater Edmonton Area and municipalities served by the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton. Though the business-side of real estate is very individually driven, the Foundation creates opportunities for agents to work together towards a common goal.

View our recent Annual Reports here:
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024

View Financial Statements here:
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024


Raising Funds

We raise funds through the We Care Program, where REALTORS® donate monthly or for every transaction; events and third-party fundraisers; and general sponsorships and donations.



The donation of time is often just as important as monetary contributions. From building houses to serving meals, our charity volunteer opportunities allow our local real estate community to give back together.



Made possible by our regular donors, partners and fundraising events, the Foundation’s core charitable activity is providing grants to local charities.

Contact us.


101, 18354 118 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T5S 2G2